Released v1.0.0 of gatsby-plugin-satorare


I recently released version 1.0.0 of the gatsby-plugin-satorare, a Gatsby plugin I developed as a personal project.

This plugin allows you to create Open Graph (OGP) images for Gatsby sites using JSX syntax. After several months of maintenance and keeping it in the 0.x series, I’m excited to finally release it as the 1.x series.

In this article, I would like to take the opportunity to summarize the development journey so far.

Development Recap

You can check the previous releases on GitHub Releases, but the initial release was version 0.0.1, which I released around February.

Although it was a working release, I felt that there was room for improvement in the plugin’s API design. However, since I couldn’t come up with a good solution at the time, I decided to release it first and think about it later. After all, it was still in the 0.x series, and I was the only user, so I thought I could make breaking changes as needed.

As time went on, at the end of February, I came up with a better design approach and released version 0.1.0, which included breaking changes.

I used the 0.1.x API in my own Gatsby applications for a while, and I didn’t feel any discomfort with the usage. So I decided to stick with this API design.

At that stage, the only feature I wanted to implement as a plugin was caching.

Recently, I completed the implementation of the caching feature, and all the planned improvements have been completed. The API is stable and even when using it in my own projects, the behavior is consistent. Although I wanted more people to use it, I understand that there might be skepticism about using a 0.x series plugin. Therefore, I have decided to release version 1.0.0.

Here’s the recent npm WeeklyDownloads for the plugin. I hope it becomes more widely used.



If you are using Gatsby, I encourage you to give gatsby-plugin-satorare a try.

If you encounter any bugs or have improvement suggestions, please feel free to create an issue on GitHub.


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